One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" - Acts 19:15
Are you a threat to the kingdom of darkness? If satan and his demons had a board meeting and your name came before the board, what would they say? Would they say that you are one of their most feared enemies and they needed to keep many demons harassing and opposing you? Or would they say, "Gentlemen, this person poses no threat to our activities. Leave him alone. He needs no help from us." There are millions of church-going believers sitting in pews Sunday after Sunday who pose little threat to the kingdom of darkness. If we truly believe that we war against rulers and principalities that cannot be seen, then we must realize that their mandate is to hinder any believer who is seeking to walk in the fullness of God. However, "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 Jn. 4:4b KJV).If you are seeking to fully follow the Lord, you can expect harassment from the enemy. God permits temptation because it drives us deeper into the soil of God. These times reveal God's power to keep us and walk us through the temptations. Our message becomes fruitful when it is born out of obedience and suffering for His name. Do not consider it strange if you find yourself fighting major battles the more obedient you become to the Master. God desires each of us to become a feared enemy of hell in order to affect satan's domain. When you begin to feel harassed, chances are you are beginning to affect the kingdom of darkness, and satan doesn't like this. So, how many demons do you think are assigned to you?
Back in the 70's when I came into the knowledge of Jesus Christ - there was a pastor/preacher by the name of R.W. Shambach who was on the radio. He was a powerhouse preacher and told it the way it was - or the way we needed to hear the gospel preached. He got my attention! One thing that he used to say that still to this day stands out in my mind was - 'PRAISE GOD, THE DEVIL KNOWS WHO I AM'.
I thought that was a bit bold but then again, I understood where he was coming from. My conversion wasn't a simple sweet prayer for Jesus to come into my life - NO, in fact it was a war taken place on before my eyes and over my soul. You will need to go to one of the first stories I wrote - "The Woman At The Well, Maybe You Know Her" and read the story as to how I came to know Jesus. Jesus stood in front of me and satan was behind me and I was in the middle. Jesus won over the works of the enemy in my life as He commanded me to read the 23 Psalm through to the end. I had started to read it but with all that was going on, I was being distracted. And that is just what the enemy does to us today. If he can cause us to get off course then we aren't focused on what God is doing in our life's.
Jesus woke me up 4 nights in a row at 1:11am in the morning. I was brought into my salvation through war-fare and ever since my spiritual life has been about being a WARRIOR and recognizing the works of the enemy. I too get distracted but for the most, God shows me what to pray against. I have learned not to pick my own battles. God does however keep me on my toes and on my knees. I have learned to 'see it for what it is' and take it to the Lord in prayer. I can't fight alone so I call upon my Savior - Jesus to work through me to defeat the enemy. He will show you what spirits are at work so you can pray against them. You will begin to recognize them as time goes by. Remember, recognizing them is one thing, but to destroying them is God's work!! And always keep in mind, ' We fight not against flesh and blood but against spirits and principalities and rulers of darkness in high places'. It's not the person - it's the spirit they allowed to rule them. And yes, even Christians entertain spirits they shouldn't.
I know most of us wonder why attacks come our way when we are seeking the Lord with a pure heart. Consider when you are being attacked to be the 'red flag' that you are on the right course! It's when things are going smooth is when you should be wondering what is wrong! That is when you aren't being a 'Threat to Hell'.
It wasn't a coincidence that I was drawn to what R.W. Shambach said. God was calling me as well to go forth with the same boldness and faith. You will probably see that when you read some of my stories. But in this story I want to get back to the subject of the article at the beginning. ARE YOU A THREAT TO HELL HERE ON EARTH ? If you aren't then you need to ask yourself - 'WHY NOT'??? We haven't been given the spirit of FEAR - but LOVE, POWER . So where are all the warriors for the Kingdom?? It's hard to get most Christians on their feet to go up front during worship. People, that is where you will find the victory against the enemy. Praise and worship are the biggest weapons (besides prayer) that you have, and still most of us are worried what other people will think of us. You need to picture satan over in the corner laughing at you because he has you where he wants you - not praising your God! That is one of the first steps towards becoming bold - start stepping out.
There are some Christians who are 'out there' - with their beliefs and who aren't afraid to be bold for the Lord - while others are expecting the blessings without a fight. What did the scripture say, 'Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world'. Who are you more afraid of, God or satan? And how many demons are assigned to you? My answer would be, 'TEN THOUSAND MORE ANGELS' !!! I'm not in this fight alone and that is just what the enemy wants you to think. He is the one powerless when it comes to the power and protection we have in Jesus. Jesus said, 'Greater works shall you do', and that comes with knowing who you are in Christ. The more you put on Jesus the more you will be attacked. But that would stand to reason that the more you have Jesus, and the more you stand in Him, He will do the fighting for you. You have a choice to be sucked into what the enemy is doing or to call upon the Name of Jesus to come against the works of the enemy.
For the most part we haven't been unleashed yet! We are still being trained by God for when the time has fully come. By that I mean - we are still learning to totally surrender our emotions and feelings over to the Lord instead of allowing the enemy to stir up those insecurities within us. A good example of recognizing the attacks is what just happened the other day to my husband and I. There were several things that started going wrong. My daughter called me and pretty much wanted to argue about something that I thought was taken care of. Before that we started arguing about something that was said and then the dryer knob broke off the dryer and the start switch went on the blink. My husband looked at me and said, 'We've been here before', and we both got on our knees and prayed for the Lord to come in and deal with the enemy and his destruction against us. That is the clue, to recognize when the enemy is trying to destroy you or the things around you. It must mean that you are doing something right - not wrong!
Many are called, but few are chosen! I believe that means the ones who aren't afraid to walk in boldness with the Power they have been given will be allowed to 'See God' and be shown the hidden secrets of the Kingdom of God.
Not all will be bold enough to call out the demon spirits in people, and there are a few of us out there who aren't be taken serious yet. We have to move forth in our callings and 'lead from the front' and hope that the others will get it.
I want to be a 'THREAT TO HELL HERE ON EARTH' - and you should too. Ask the Lord to give you the boldness you need to become a warrior for the Kingdom of God. Step out of the 'comfort' box you have been in and trust God that He has your back. Become a fore-runner for this time we are living in. Experience life at it's best.
It's not being a 'THREAT TO HELL' that scares me!!!
Are you a threat to the kingdom of darkness? If satan and his demons had a board meeting and your name came before the board, what would they say? Would they say that you are one of their most feared enemies and they needed to keep many demons harassing and opposing you? Or would they say, "Gentlemen, this person poses no threat to our activities. Leave him alone. He needs no help from us." There are millions of church-going believers sitting in pews Sunday after Sunday who pose little threat to the kingdom of darkness. If we truly believe that we war against rulers and principalities that cannot be seen, then we must realize that their mandate is to hinder any believer who is seeking to walk in the fullness of God. However, "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 Jn. 4:4b KJV).If you are seeking to fully follow the Lord, you can expect harassment from the enemy. God permits temptation because it drives us deeper into the soil of God. These times reveal God's power to keep us and walk us through the temptations. Our message becomes fruitful when it is born out of obedience and suffering for His name. Do not consider it strange if you find yourself fighting major battles the more obedient you become to the Master. God desires each of us to become a feared enemy of hell in order to affect satan's domain. When you begin to feel harassed, chances are you are beginning to affect the kingdom of darkness, and satan doesn't like this. So, how many demons do you think are assigned to you?
Back in the 70's when I came into the knowledge of Jesus Christ - there was a pastor/preacher by the name of R.W. Shambach who was on the radio. He was a powerhouse preacher and told it the way it was - or the way we needed to hear the gospel preached. He got my attention! One thing that he used to say that still to this day stands out in my mind was - 'PRAISE GOD, THE DEVIL KNOWS WHO I AM'.
I thought that was a bit bold but then again, I understood where he was coming from. My conversion wasn't a simple sweet prayer for Jesus to come into my life - NO, in fact it was a war taken place on before my eyes and over my soul. You will need to go to one of the first stories I wrote - "The Woman At The Well, Maybe You Know Her" and read the story as to how I came to know Jesus. Jesus stood in front of me and satan was behind me and I was in the middle. Jesus won over the works of the enemy in my life as He commanded me to read the 23 Psalm through to the end. I had started to read it but with all that was going on, I was being distracted. And that is just what the enemy does to us today. If he can cause us to get off course then we aren't focused on what God is doing in our life's.
Jesus woke me up 4 nights in a row at 1:11am in the morning. I was brought into my salvation through war-fare and ever since my spiritual life has been about being a WARRIOR and recognizing the works of the enemy. I too get distracted but for the most, God shows me what to pray against. I have learned not to pick my own battles. God does however keep me on my toes and on my knees. I have learned to 'see it for what it is' and take it to the Lord in prayer. I can't fight alone so I call upon my Savior - Jesus to work through me to defeat the enemy. He will show you what spirits are at work so you can pray against them. You will begin to recognize them as time goes by. Remember, recognizing them is one thing, but to destroying them is God's work!! And always keep in mind, ' We fight not against flesh and blood but against spirits and principalities and rulers of darkness in high places'. It's not the person - it's the spirit they allowed to rule them. And yes, even Christians entertain spirits they shouldn't.
I know most of us wonder why attacks come our way when we are seeking the Lord with a pure heart. Consider when you are being attacked to be the 'red flag' that you are on the right course! It's when things are going smooth is when you should be wondering what is wrong! That is when you aren't being a 'Threat to Hell'.
It wasn't a coincidence that I was drawn to what R.W. Shambach said. God was calling me as well to go forth with the same boldness and faith. You will probably see that when you read some of my stories. But in this story I want to get back to the subject of the article at the beginning. ARE YOU A THREAT TO HELL HERE ON EARTH ? If you aren't then you need to ask yourself - 'WHY NOT'??? We haven't been given the spirit of FEAR - but LOVE, POWER . So where are all the warriors for the Kingdom?? It's hard to get most Christians on their feet to go up front during worship. People, that is where you will find the victory against the enemy. Praise and worship are the biggest weapons (besides prayer) that you have, and still most of us are worried what other people will think of us. You need to picture satan over in the corner laughing at you because he has you where he wants you - not praising your God! That is one of the first steps towards becoming bold - start stepping out.
There are some Christians who are 'out there' - with their beliefs and who aren't afraid to be bold for the Lord - while others are expecting the blessings without a fight. What did the scripture say, 'Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world'. Who are you more afraid of, God or satan? And how many demons are assigned to you? My answer would be, 'TEN THOUSAND MORE ANGELS' !!! I'm not in this fight alone and that is just what the enemy wants you to think. He is the one powerless when it comes to the power and protection we have in Jesus. Jesus said, 'Greater works shall you do', and that comes with knowing who you are in Christ. The more you put on Jesus the more you will be attacked. But that would stand to reason that the more you have Jesus, and the more you stand in Him, He will do the fighting for you. You have a choice to be sucked into what the enemy is doing or to call upon the Name of Jesus to come against the works of the enemy.
For the most part we haven't been unleashed yet! We are still being trained by God for when the time has fully come. By that I mean - we are still learning to totally surrender our emotions and feelings over to the Lord instead of allowing the enemy to stir up those insecurities within us. A good example of recognizing the attacks is what just happened the other day to my husband and I. There were several things that started going wrong. My daughter called me and pretty much wanted to argue about something that I thought was taken care of. Before that we started arguing about something that was said and then the dryer knob broke off the dryer and the start switch went on the blink. My husband looked at me and said, 'We've been here before', and we both got on our knees and prayed for the Lord to come in and deal with the enemy and his destruction against us. That is the clue, to recognize when the enemy is trying to destroy you or the things around you. It must mean that you are doing something right - not wrong!
Many are called, but few are chosen! I believe that means the ones who aren't afraid to walk in boldness with the Power they have been given will be allowed to 'See God' and be shown the hidden secrets of the Kingdom of God.
Not all will be bold enough to call out the demon spirits in people, and there are a few of us out there who aren't be taken serious yet. We have to move forth in our callings and 'lead from the front' and hope that the others will get it.
I want to be a 'THREAT TO HELL HERE ON EARTH' - and you should too. Ask the Lord to give you the boldness you need to become a warrior for the Kingdom of God. Step out of the 'comfort' box you have been in and trust God that He has your back. Become a fore-runner for this time we are living in. Experience life at it's best.
It's not being a 'THREAT TO HELL' that scares me!!!
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