My dear friend loaned me a book called, 'The
I have always wondered why I was different. I was edgy, a forerunner for the things of God, different from the rest of the pack - a bit of an innovator. I was not afraid to take risks when I knew God was calling me to do something that was 'out of the norm.' My problem all these years was, I could never understand why everyone else wasn't willing to live their lives on the edge - in the 'HOT' zone instead of the 'LUKEWARM' zone. How can you say you love the Lord with all of your heart and not be willing to 'go where He says go - or do what He says do?'
Here is how you do just that. You 'sign up' for the Army of God and then you start asking God to show you more. The closer you choose to get to the Lord, the closer you are to discovering the hidden treasures of the
I will continue with more facts in just a moment - but first I wanted you to know that I will be quoting some good stuff out of the book, 'The Barbarian Way' - as well as adding my thoughts to what I have read and gone through. Enjoy.
To begin with, let me give you a bit of history.
Christianity over the past two thousand years has moved from a tribe of renegades to a religion of conformists. To claim that we believe - is simply not enough. The call of Jesus is one that demands action. Jesus began His public ministry with a simple invitation: "Come, follow Me." His closing instructions to His disciples can be summarized in one word, "GO!" You would think the church of today thought Jesus said, "Come and listen" - with His closing mandate summarized in the one word, "NO!" What has happened? Where did faith stop? Where are the real barbarians?
We are called to an unconventional war using only the weapons of hope, faith and love. Nevertheless, this war is no less dangerous than any war ever fought. And for those of us who embrace the cause of Christ, the cost to participate in the mission of God is nothing less than everything we are and everything we have. And 'everything' means just that - EVERYTHING. You have to know that you were 'bought with a price and you no longer belong to yourself'. That is hard to grasp in the flesh - unless you have surrendered completely to the Spirit of God to use you for His glory - and basically, for the purpose you were created for.
It was over thirty years ago that Jesus stood in-front of me and did battle over my soul against the enemy, one September evening back in 1975. I was not knowledgeable of who Jesus really was or why He would have any interest in someone like me. My past was not the cleanest but all of that didn't matter to the God of the Universe who purposed my very being. He didn't look at the outside, (and neither should anyone else). He looked at the heart - something that mortal man tends to overlook. He knew long before I knew that I could handle anything that He put before me - because He knew that I would trust Him with EVERYTHING and STAND firm in my FAITH.
Over the years I haven't met very many who were edgy like myself who had a 'barbarian' spirit in serving the Lord. Perhaps the tragedy of our time is that such an overwhelming number of people who declared Jesus as their Lord - have become domesticated - or civilized. Somewhere in there - they lost the simplicity of their early 'risky' faith. And beyond that - lost the passion and power of that raw, untamed 'primal' faith. But I have no doubt that there are many out there who are waiting just like myself to meet up with each other for what God has created us to be and do. I believe that God has a time for such a meeting and until then we continue to keep the faith and wait!
The 'barbarian way' is a path of both spirit and truth. The soul of the barbarian is made alive by the presence of Jesus and their way can be found only by listening to the voice of the Spirit. "He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church". John the Baptist was our forerunner - our example as to the boldness that we must continue to have within us. Jesus was God in the flesh proclaiming the miracles, signs and wonders that would follow those who believe. (Mark 16:15-18). You either believe the Word of God (all of it) or you don't!! I do!
I make no excuses for why God made me like I am. I have finally learned to 'walk in it' and so what if I'm different - I'm different because I refuse to walk in the ways of this world any more. I believe that there is a 'time-a-comin' that all the 'barbarians' will rise up to defeat the enemy but for now we haven't been given the order to 'CHARGE'!! But we know our Shepherd's voice and we follow it! Lord, open up our ears to hear your voice!
When Jesus walked among us - the invasion of barbarians began. And just as it was with those who crossed paths with Him here on earth, those who claim to be religious will be most offended and indignant. Go figure! Barbarians are not welcome among the civilized and are feared among the domesticated. The way of Jesus is far too savage for their sensibilities.
You see, times of war require barbarians who are willing to risk life itself for the freedom of others to advance the Kingdom of God and to 'hold ground'. Barbarians are driven away during times of peace - they only disrupt our communities and make us uneasy with their way of thinking and testimonies of spiritual happenings. Sound familiar??? Sounds like someone is reading my mail!!! But it's only in the most desperate of times, times of war or conflict - that these 'outcasts' - these 'barbarians' are welcomed to return so they can lead the troops to victory. You don't need us now - but there will come a day that you will !!
Christianity has become our Shawshank, and our redemption will only come if we find the courage to escape the prison we have created for ourselves. Jesus is being lost in the very religion that bears His name - and how sad is that? Christianity has become docile, domesticated, and civilized. We have forgotten that there is a kingdom of darkness that is stealing the hopes, dreams and souls of humanity without God. But most Christian's have chosen 'comfort' over 'boldness'. FOR SHAME!!!!
Let me explain the refined and civilized - 'dangerous' - invitation that the church is selling today. It goes something like this: Jesus died and rose from the dead so you can live a life of endless comfort, security, and indulgence. Or maybe more like: if you'll confess your sins and believe in Jesus, you will be saved from the torment of eternal hell-fire, then go to heaven when you die. Both cases result in our 'domestication of Christianity'. One holds out for life to begin in eternity and the other makes a mockery out of life!
The call of Jesus is far more barbaric than either one of those. The 'good news' is - it could never be separated from the invitation of Jesus to "COME - FOLLOW ME". He never lied about the danger or cost associated with becoming His follower. He told them up front: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16).
We are beginning to live as 'shrewd as doves' and we have become 'innocent as snakes'! Totally the opposite of what Jesus warned us about! For far too long, sincere followers of Christ have had to live with the consequences of those who use religion to manipulate others and camouflage hypocrisy. Does that sound like some of the churches today?
By spending time with Him you learn what is good and what is not! What is right and what is wrong! When to do battle and when to stand! Have you ever wondered why someone would enlist during war time? What kind of person would do that - put their life on the line for others to live in freedom? Our answer is usually - 'you go head-on - but as for me, I'll stay over here where it's safe and enjoy the good life in my comfort!' We have all been called to fight but there are those who just won't fight - or take on the challenge. The 'Barbarian' is called to whatever he is told to do by God without question - knowing who he/she serves.
And don't think that we are some 'mindless drones'. We are always 'battle ready' and are always thinking of ways to protect those around us through prayer and intercession. For you see, we are in the biggest battle of our lives. The enemy - the devil - Satan - what ever you want to call him - is after our souls and he is hoping to keep us in fear so we don't pursue anything that God has for us. His job is to keep us from pursuing God. And don't get the word 'fear' mixed up. There is Fear as in being scared - and there is fear that is good fear - like the 'Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom'. All 'fear' is not created equal.
When you hear the call, and when you follow the call, you must recognize that it is a 'life-and-death' proposition. This is not a cattle call ! He is not calling you to the same life as every other follower. Your life is unique before God and your path is yours and yours alone. This is where 'faith' and 'trust' come in. He leads, you follow - and you trust with all of your heart that He has your best interest at heart - ALL THE TIME !!! So, Christianity as a civilized religion claims that everyone gets the same package - NOT SO ! Many think that if you know God - you will become rich, be comfortable, be secure, and be safe, but few realize that 'faith is a risky business'. As great as the men and women of faith in the bible were - God has far deeper and more profound works to do in and through us. We must learn from their examples and recognize that their lives were 'spring boards' for ours. Stepping stones to the next level of where God wants us to go. We don't need to know what all that looks like - all we need to do is understand His call on our lives and chose it willingly. The safest place to be is in the 'Will of God' and that should be enough!
Let's take Paul's life. He knew exactly who Jesus was and the life to which he had been called. Paul had been a 'religion-ist' - (BC) - 'before Christ walked into his life'. He had learned the art of condemning others while hiding behind his pompous self-righteousness - (which by the way is one of the greatest dangers of religion!) Like Paul, we too must find the 'barbarian way' out of civilization and be transformed by the living presence of God Himself.
I wonder how many of us have lost our 'barbarian ways' and have become embittered with God, confused in our faith because God didn't come through for us the way we thought He should have or on OUR time schedule? Is it possible that the transforming power of the church has been lost because we keep inviting people to stop into the comfort, safety and security of Jesus Christ? Jesus didn't teach or live like that. He taught by example and just like Jesus, we too will be misunderstood, hated, and judged by the 'religious people' for being different.
The barbarians are the people of the earth who know they are called to be like John the Baptist. Not afraid of being different because they are on a mission for the Lord. We should also know how to survive in the wild. We understand that whoever walks in front - walks closest to death, but this still won't slow us down. A world without God cannot wait for us to choose the safe path - 'we are forerunners' - 'raindrops' - 'leaders of the pack'. We are risk takers for the
If Jesus would not avoid the 'place of the skull, then we should not be surprised where He might lead us. In those moments when we cry out, 'Not my will, but Yours', you may not find many who will stand by you who will provide you comfort and strength. Strangely enough, you may find far too many trying to reason with you that God would never require that much of anyone. Yet even with all the noise pounding inside your head, you will still clearly hear the voice of God and His 'barbarian' call if you listen carefully enough.
I stand - no longer as a Christian because Christianity has been diluted. But I stand as a 'follower of Jesus Christ' and it is no longer my will but His will for my life that leads me. There is no turning back!
God created us so that our lives would count - not so that we could count the days of our lives!
Carol Doswell
*exerts of this post were taken from 'The